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Learning Strategy Function of Tool Technological Tools
Recall: repetition, rehearsal, review, mnemonic techniques
  1. Pre-recorded lectures, videos
  2. online flashcards
  3. collaborative online note taking
  4. Take a quiz or poll to test understanding 
  1. Digital video camera, QuickTime Player. Screen capture software: Movavi, Camtasia
  2. Cram, StudyBlue 
  3. Etherpad, TitanPad
  4. LMS. Google Forms, Survey Monkey, Clicker: PollEverywhere


Integration: Paraphrasing, metaphors, exemplifying, covert and overt practice
  1. Discussion boards, forums
  2. blogs, wikis, journals,
  3. e-magazines.
  4. Make a film/podcast/presentation of topic
  5. Describe and apply a method
  6. Moderate a discussion/ debate
  7. Predict and explain
  1. LMS tools
  2. LMS tools, Storify, WordPress, Wikipedia 
  3. Joomag, Lulu
  4. Digital video camera, QuickTime Player. Audacity. smart phone.  Screen capture: movavi, Camtasia. Powtoons
  5. Video, audio recording software.  Create an animated presentation: Powtoons.
  6. Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamViewer
  7. Watch a video or listen to a podcast, then share your predictions through writing video or podcast
Organisation: Analysis of key ideas, categorisation, outlining, networking, pattern noting, cognitive mapping
  1. Journals,  forums
  2. online flashcards
  3. database software
  4. concept mapping software
  5. wikis
  6. Identify patterns in data evidence
  7. Collect, aggregate and and organize data 
  8. Label a diagram
  9. Data mining 
  10. Tag, filter and categorize materials
  11. Geomapping or geotagging
  1. LMS tools
  2. Cram, StudyBlue
  3. Excel, Google Sheets
  4., Mindly, Popplet
  5. LMS wiki pages, Wikipedia
  6. Nvivo, HyperRESEARCH
  7.  GoogleForms, SurveyMonkey, Nvivo, HyperRESEARCH
  8. Online Whiteboard:awwapp, Ziteboard. Software to create diagrams to be labelled: Xerte, Hot Potatoes.
  9. To come
  10. Keyword tagging in Social media: YouTube, SlideShare, WordPress, Wikipedia, LMS tools. File management: EverNote, Dropbox, Scrapbook, Google Keep.
  11. Google Maps, Carto.


Elaboration: Imaging, analogies, synthesis, sentence elaboration, implications, drawing inferences.
  1. Voice recordings
  2. blogs,
  3. wikis,
  4. journals, e-magazines
  5. online collaborative note taking
  6. Digital Story telling
  7. Moderate a discussion/ debate
  8. Draw conclusions linked to evidence
  9. role plays
  1. QuickTime Player, Audacity
  2. LMS Tools, Storify, WordPress. Wixx
  3. LMS Tools, Wikipedia
  4. Joomag, Lulu
  5. Etherpad, TitanPad. 
  6. WordPress,  Wixx, StoryBird
  7. Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamViewer
  8. e.g.Google sheets, Excel, blogs or wikis, Google Keep
  9. Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamViewer
Planning: selecting, preparing, gauging, estimating
  1. discussion forums, chats
  2. video conferencing software
  3. Design research project
  4. Data mining and visualization
  1. LMS tools
  2. Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamViewer, Adobe Connect
  3. Project management tools: Basecamp. Reference management tools: Mendeley, EndNote.
  4. To come.
Attending: focusing, searching, contrasting, validating
  1. World wide web
  2. online encyclopaedias
  3. forums,
  4. blogs, wikis.
  5. Peer feedback: review and comment
  6. Edit a presentation/article
  7. Predict and explain
  1.  Google, Bing, etc.
  2. Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica
  3. LMS Tools
  4. LMS tools. Storify, WordPress, Wixx, Squarespace, Wikipedia.
  5. TurnItIn, LMS tools.
  6. Wikispaces or wiki site. Prezi, PowerPoint. Storify, Google Docs. Mendeley.
  7. Simulations, YouTube videos, Secondlife, Game based environment.
Encoding: elaborating, qualitatively relating.
  1. Cognitive mapping software,
  2. collaborative note taking,
  3. journal, blogs
  4. wikis
  5. Write an App
  6. Moderate a discussion / debate
  7. Role plays
  1. Cmap,, Mindly, Popplet
  2.  EtherPad, TitanPad
  3. LMS toolsStorify, WordPress, Wixx, Squarespace.
  4. Wiki spaces and wikipedia.
  5. WordPress, Wixx, Squarespace. Code and scripting tools 
  6. 7. Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamViewer
  1. Repeating material out loud.
  2. Taking verbatim notes.
  3. Underlining
  4. Elaboration questions
  5. Predict and explain
  6. Mind map
  7. Take a quiz or poll to test understanding
  8. Writing in academic style/voice for different media
  1.  Flashcards: Cram, StudyBlue. Self explanation PodCast: QuickTime RealPlayer, Audacity. 
  2. LMS Tools, Adobe Reader,  Evernote, Google Keep.
  3. Adobe Reader. LMS Tools, EverNote  Google Keep. 
  4. Cram, StudyBlue. EverNote, Google Keep. Google Forms, Survey Monkey.
  5. Simulations, YouTube videos, Secondlife, Game based environment.
  6., Mindly, Popplet
  7. Cram, StudyBlue. LMS Tools, Google Forms. Survey Monkey. 
  8. LMS Tools. Microsoft Word. Notepad. EverNote. Google Keep. WordPress,  Wixx, StoryBird. Bookmarking sites: Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon. Archive building: Omeka. Twitter feed.
  1. Note taking
  2. Underlining,
  3. Test preparation
  4. Self-explanations
  5. Develop teaching/revision materials on a topic
  6. Moderate a discussion/ debate
  7. Role plays
  8. Mind maps
  9. Writing in academic style/voice for different media
  1. LMS Tools. Microsoft Word. Notepad. EverNote. Google Keep. EtherPad, TitanPad. 
  2. LMS tools. Adobe Reader. LMS Tools, EverNote,  Google Keep.
  3. Cram, StudyBlue. LMS Tools, Google Forms. Survey Monkey.
  4. Self explanation PodCast: QuickTime RealPlayer, Audacity. LMS Tools. NoteTaking Apps. 
  5. Animation apps: Powtoons. Presentation tools: PowerPoint, Keynotes, Prezi. Joomag, Lulu. Wiki spaces or Wikipedia. 
  6. Video conferencing: Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamViewer
  7. Video recording software: QuickTime Player. Video Conferencing software.
  8., Mindly, Popplet
  9. LMS Tools. Microsoft Word. Notepad. EverNote. Google Keep. WordPress,  Wixx, StoryBird. Bookmarking sites: Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon. Archive building: Omeka. Twitter feed. 
 Meta-memory: Self-questioning and self-monitoring.
  1. Reflective diaries
  2. Outlines
  3. To do lists
LMS tools. Evernote, Google Keep.  EtherPad. TitanPad.
  1. Moderate a discussion/debate
  2. Role plays
  3. Data mining and visualization
  1. Video conferencing: Skype, Google Hangouts, TeamViewer. 
  2. Video conferencing or video recording software.
  3. To come.